【マレーシア 移住 不動産 アパートメント ホテル 旅行 観光 ステイ 賃貸 MM2H ブログ Blog】SEP 2018

【マレーシア 観光 旅行ブログ Blog】
Shop name:
N.16 拾綠號
+6010-254 6268
Jalan Tali Air 4, Kampung Parit Empat, 45400 Sekinchan, Selangor
Operating Hour:
Thurs – Fri & Sun: 11am – 8pm Sat: 11am – 9pm (Closed on Mon – Wed)
Surrounding the shop.
My remark:
Think many people already knew N.16 cafe? when travel to Sekinchan or Sky Mirror. Its a cafe which set up in a used abandon bus. Unique and if you go in right season, you can see the rice paddy view in green or yellow. In side you can enjoy cake, cafe, coffee, western food. If you travel to Sekinchan, no reason to miss out this cafe because it located in the between of rice paddy. No harm to chill out here in a hot weather and relax with friend, family. If you go on MON or weekday, think better to call and check the operating time. If you asking the price, please don't expect low price even in outskirt. Planning to write Blog for One Day Trip Sekinchan later.
Home Page : https://www.erikklmontkiara.com/
Face Book : https://www.facebook.com/erikmalaysiaproperties/
Youtube : Erik Tabiniko KL&MontKiara Properties
短期&長期の宿泊の予約受付中、大人気のマレーシア スカイミラー (Sky Mirror) の予約も受付中
Face Book : https://www.facebook.com/enaworkstabiniko/
Youtube : Tabiniko TV
ekkl2020@gmail.com, eandaworks@gmail.com
Instagram : aya_malaysia
Twitter : aya_malaysia
Instagram : erikkongkong
Twitter : @Erik84367253