【マレーシア 移住 不動産 アパートメント ホテル 旅行 観光 ステイ 賃貸 MM2H ブログ Blog】update MAR 2022

【マレーシア 観光 旅行 ブログ Blog】スカイミラー (Sky Mirror)
Place name:
Taman Putra Perdana (タマン プルダナ プトラ) in Putrajaya (プトラジャヤ)
Persiaran Sultan Sallahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah, Presint 1, 62000 Putrajaya, Wilayah Persekutuan Putrajaya
Operating Time:
Monday to Friday: 7am to 8pm
Weekends, School and Public Holidays: 7am to 10pm
Admission :FREE
Park in front of the park.
My remark:
This place call Mercu Tanda, means Putrajaya Landmark but now another New Landmark already appeared in front of Putra Mosque (Pink Mosque), a huge alphabet of 'Putrajaya' object. Taman Putra Perdana is relaxing park located in Putrajaya. As I also introducing other good place in Putrajaya, its a greenery environment with many trees and resting place, water fountains. Furthermore, you can enjoy a panoramic view of Putrajaya. The contemporary design will attract you to take picture will it. Not really saying that this place for travel but think in the morning, will be a good good place for jogging and relaxing, even the evening time, a good place for chill out if you are nearby. Taman Putra Perdana is just near Pulse Grande Hotel (formerly known as Putrajaya Shangri-La Hotel). Nearby, another park call Laman Megalith, also a unique place to discovery. Think even Malaysian local have no notice this place.
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